Subject: Microsoft announces new ways to bypass security controls Date: Sun, Sep 14, 
2003 at 10:03:32PM -0400 Quoting Sean Donelan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Of course, Microsoft isn't the only one with mail protocol security
> weaknesses.
> POP3 is probably responsible for more cleartext passwords being
> transmitted over the Internet than any other network protocol.

That statement is nicely supported by my dnsiff logs from various 
networking conferences -- the top three have always been:

webmail without SSL
other http apps without SSL. 

Below this we see IMAP, IM, telnet (rare) and a storm of snmp from
windows machines trying to manage HP printers.

Måns Nilsson         Systems Specialist
+46 70 681 7204         KTHNOC

Send your questions to ``ASK ZIPPY'', Box 40474, San Francisco, CA
94140, USA

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