On Mon, 15 Sep 2003, Chris Adams wrote:

> Someone has already brought up the idea on the BIND list of modifying
> BIND to recognize this response and converting it back to NXDOMAIN.

That would be me -- I posted to comp.protocols.dns.bind, not realizeing it
was a mailing list gateway.

This also blows away the whole idea of rejeting mail from non-existant
domains -- never mind all the bounces to these non-existant domains when the
spammers get ahold of them. Boy, I hope they have a good mail server
responding with the 550 on that IP !

At the least we need a way for MTA's to reject mail from domains that
resolve to this nonsense. Having bind put NXDOMAIN back would be a plus.


Chris Candreva  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- (914) 967-7816
WestNet Internet Services of Westchester

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