VeriSign stands to gain financially, take a look at this excerpt from an AP
news blurb published yesterday:

> Ben Turner, VeriSign's vice president for naming services, described the
> as a way to "improve overall usability of the Internet."
> People mistype ".com" and ".net" names some 20 million times daily, Turner
> and internal studies show "the vast majority of users prefer a page like this
> than what they are getting today."
> Currently, Site Finder sends lost Web surfers to both regular search results
> pay-for-placement listings, which are marked as such. Turner said VeriSign was
> partnering with two search companies he would not name.
> He would not disclose how much VeriSign would earn from those companies, with
> which it has revenue-sharing arrangements.

Anyone find out any details of the contracts which VeriSign has apparently
signed to profit from this little venture?


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