Yep, it went up around 6 pm ET on Tuesday. The list was a tremendous
help, BTW. I don't think any folks who have followed these threads will
find anything especially new in the article, but it may serve as a decent

ICANN's Mary Hewitt did tell me that they'd have a statement out in a
few days. After a few hours of back and forth, Commerce decided to
refer calls to ICANN and Verisign, though I've sent them a list of
followup questions that, just maybe, they'll answer on Wednesday.


On Wed, Sep 17, 2003 at 08:23:40AM +0200, Hank Nussbacher wrote:
> At 05:26 PM 16-09-03 -0400, Damian Gerow wrote:
> >Declan (of has indicated that he's working on something, and I'm
> >waiting to hear back from the editors at  I have full
> >faith that Declan will not only put out a technically accurate piece, but
> >one that is easily digestible by the public at large.
> -Hank

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