Alex Kamantauskas wrote:

Not really operational content, but I was wondering if there was an intellectual property issue with the Verisign .com/.net redirect?

Not sure about IP, but there are privacy issues. Verisign has intentionally redirected all email that was mistyped on the recipient to their server. Instead of immediately rejecting and terminating the connection, they allow the send to issue 3 commands, which would typically give them the sender and rcpt information where previously the information would not leave the originating mail server. How could this be construed as anything but address harvesting and a breach of privacy?

In addition, at no point has Verisign obtained permission to steal information in this way. They are eavesdropping! Every time I've checked, port 80 was down on the destination IP, but 25 was running full speed. It makes me wonder if their real intent wasn't to collect that information to begin with.


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