On Thu, 18 Sep 2003, David Barak wrote:

> --- Matt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I've got a couple others in my head from 3Com and a
> > couple of others, 
> > but I thought I'd get the ball rolling.  So, what do
> > you think?
> > 
> Personally my issues are console-cable related: is
> there a benefit to the HUGE variety of console pinouts
> used by the various hardware vendors?  Just look at
> vendor C as an example (I can think of four types
> immediately) - not only are the types of console port
> not standardized, but process for determining the
> location of the port clearly involved the reading of
> entrails...


I can think of 6 different console cable pinouts and connectors that 
Enterasys (Cabletron) has used over the years.  No wait, make that 7.  How 
could I forget the inherited Fore ATM architecture and subsequent blades.  
Could people just pick ONE pinout and connector and stick with it?  
Please!  Of course I also have a Cisco 675 that I've been unable to use 
for years simply because I have yet to figure out what ungodly pinout 
Cisco used in it.


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