> Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 11:36:37 -0700 (PDT)
> From: bmanning

> > Bill, I know you know better, so let's try more facts and less
> > FUD.  Mmmmkay?  Your above paragraph is a red herring that is
> > analogous to saying "all multihomed services must be run on the
> > router itself".
>       yes, it does lean that way... but to expose a sigma-six
>       blip in how some people may think about anycasting techniques.

Regardless of the technology, one can _always_ create a stupid
way of doing things.  With any luck, however, a _good_ way
exists, too.

> > Here's the deal:  DNS server runs a BGP/OSPF/whatever speaker.
>       One model.  ISC is enamored of this model.  I'm not.
>       http://www.isc.org/tn/isc-tn-2003-1.txt

Yes, one model.  Skimming the ISC paper, I also have mixed
feelings about some sections.  The basic principle, however,
boils down to getting traffic to the "right" place based on
factors such as reachability and correctness.

>       Nope, it can even be done w/ COTS technologies.

Noted.  I suppose some implementations may indeed be turnkey...
just that we've never seen the One True Tarball for the way we
like to do it.  My fault for overgeneralizing.

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