SJW> Date: Sun, 21 Sep 2003 15:17:34 +0000 (GMT)
SJW> From: Stephen J. Wilcox

SJW> That was my understanding but on checking with Paul he said
SJW> that NXDOMAIN means dont do further checks so dont look for
SJW> A...

Return NOERROR for one type of RR, but NXDOMAIN for another?  Is
that valid?!  Hit me with a clue-by-four if appropriate, but I
thought NOERROR/NXDOMAIN was returned per-host, regardless of
RRTYPE requested.  Giving NXDOMAIN for MX yet returning NOERROR
for A RRs doesn't sound kosher.

Time for me to dig through a few RFCs.

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