On Wed, 24 Sep 2003, Justin Shore wrote:

> On Wed, 24 Sep 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Perhaps, but it also seems like moving an RBL onto a P2P network would
> > making poisoning the RBL far too easy...
> That's what I was getting ready to suggest.  As it stands now we have at
> least somewhat of an assurance that the zone we're working with isn't
> tainted.

Web of trust, yada yada. Still distributed, still resiliant.

And/Or, encrypt the zones/updates.

Admittedly this is all off-the-cuff and I haven't given it much
thought(scalability and performance issues immediately come to mind,)
but it might be an interesting enough problem to sit down and
research/think about at some point. It certainly would be interesting to
find some more "substantially non-infringing" uses for P2P.

                               Patrick Greenwell
         Asking the wrong questions is the leading cause of wrong answers

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