On Sep 24, 2003, at 11:55 PM, Steven Schecter wrote:

Has anyone noticed excessively high latency between Global Crossing and
AT&T? From what I've gathered, the PNIs between Global Crossing and AT&T
are completely maxed out. The word is AT&T will not increase peering
capacity with Global Crossing since their in bankruptcy protection. I am
certain that this is affecting a large number of both Global Crossing and
AT&T customers. I think it's fair to say that both Global Crossing and
AT&T are amongst the larger Tier 1 providers out there, it's shameful that
they can't come to an agreement on upgrading capacity.

A little poking around in the att/gblx route servers shows that capacity issues in NYC/WDC are in the GBLX->ATT direction, FWIW..


"The Trouble with doing anything right the first time is that nobody appreciates how difficult it was." -BIX

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