On Thu, 25 Sep 2003 12:50:58 +0200 Hank Nussbacher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> AS3339 has a zero tolerance for spamming.
> None the less, here is a recent email extract I received from someone:
> "Hank, I am not a Spamhaus.org representative in any shape or form.
> I do not claim to speak for Spamhaus.org in any capacity.  The
> University of xxxxxx is, however, a customer (i.e. as of this
> morning, we block e-mails from IP addresses listed on Spamhaus SBL).
> Basically, we are being told if we don't drop the customer, our
> corporate 
> MXes will be blocked.  I would not call this an "extreme case", but it 
> would appear that overzealous anti-spammers are perhaps going a bit
> overboard.

i'd say that's more than a little bit of a reach. they admit right up front
that they don't speak for spamhaus (steve linford can speak for spamhaus,
and he's apparently reading this thread on nanog.)

a spamhaus customer can hardly threaten a spamhaus listing, only spamhaus
investigators can do that. what you're describing doesn't sound like a
situation that would get you onto spamhaus. this spamhaus customer is
talking through their hat.

additionally, to the best of my knowledge, spamhaus listing and escalation
procedures differ from the ones you described.

Richard Welty                                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Averill Park Networking                                         518-573-7592
    Java, PHP, PostgreSQL, Unix, Linux, IP Network Engineering, Security

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