The only way to reach Comcast (in my experience) is to get a phone number from
the customer having a problem. Sometimes that is slightly more helpful.

In the recent DC power outage it was clear that my power company did not want
to be reachable. The same is true for at less a couple of the domain registrars
(not Verisign in this case :).

My guess is that being unreachable is company policy. Perhaps there is someone
on the list that could clarify the companies policy in this regard.

On Sun, 28 Sep 2003, Paul Vixie wrote:

> > > PS. why is this so hard?
> >
> > Are you talking about the kitchen sink protocol called DNS, or ...
> Specifically, I want to know why Comcast makes itself so hard to reach.
> I'll bet I could get them to talk to me about this host if it were DDoS'ing
> me, or if I aggressively NMAP'd it at 25Mbits/sec for 48 hours straight.
> --
> Paul Vixie

Douglas Denault
Voice: 301-469-8766
  Fax: 301-469-0601

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