At 02:57 PM 10/2/2003, you wrote:
On Thu, 2 Oct 2003, Marshall Eubanks wrote:
> I have found a possible source of satellite bandwidth for this, assuming a
> critical mass of users could be accumulated to pay for it. Interested parties
> should send me an email off list please.

If a critical mass of users could be accumulated to pay for it, I imagine
Cidera would still be in business.

If Cidera had ever returned our calls or email to tell us the services they offered after they installed the dish on the roof of our datacenter and the server and satellite receiver in our rack, they might still be in business. :P From those I've talked to, I'm not the only one who never actually used any services from them because we weren't sure exactly what those services were or what they cost. Something about a DS3 of bandwidth for an ihave news feed for $350-500/month was mentioned before they installed anything and I agreed to it verbally. They were awfully anxious to get that dish installed. Perhaps due to loan covenants that they deploy x installations per month?


btw- Installation of the dish and the PIII 1U server with mirrored HDDs were all given to us for free. I REALLY didn't get their business model and I still don't...

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