On 03.10 10:36, Erik-Jan Bos wrote:
> >Hey, it's working!  If it ain't broken .... 
> I doubt this. Recently, I worked with a couple of people that each had 
> their PCs infected. Their own virtual neighborhood complained to them, 
> and they surely were embaressed about the situation, but... They just 
> did not know how to fix it, i.e. where to start. Call it cluelessness, 
> call it lack of education.

There is that too; but I have frequently observed people not doing it 
even when provided detailed step-by-step instructions. On the other hand
they would proceed relatively quickly once "it stopped working", 
e.g. the Internet plug was pulled. Some of them would use the instructions
provided, others would get help; but not before "it stopped owrking".

The most successful tactic I have seen is for providers is to block all 
Internet access except the one to the site containing the instructions
and the fix. Of course that is often not a viable business proposition....


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