Matt Larson wrote:

VeriSign was directed by ICANN to suspend the Site Finder service by
0100 UTC on Sunday, October 5. We requested an extension from ICANN
to give more notice to the community but were denied. We will be
removing the wildcard A records from the .com and .net zones beginning
at 2300 UTC on Saturday, October 4. The former behavior for these
zones (returning Name Error/RCODE=3 in response to queries for
nonexistent domain names) will be in place by 0100 UTC on Sunday,

It should be noted that this notice has significantly more leadtime to the change (return to normal)
behaviour than Verisign thought neccessary to "notify the community", they seemingly started
to care about lately, when they introduced the wildcards in the first place.

To refresh the memories:
#Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2003 19:24:29 -0400

#The wildcard record in the .net zone was activated from
#10:45AM EDT to 13:30PM EDT. The wildcard record in the .com zone is
#being added now.

So my question is, why there should have been an "extension" ?
Why did Verisign ask for an extension in the first place? Would the estimated $250k
daily advertising revenue have anything to do with this? Would Verisign contribute
that towards ICANN in case an extension have been granted?


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