On Thu, Oct 09, 2003 at 09:49:32AM -0700, Avleen Vig wrote:
> I want to create a mapping of IP addresses to ASN, for a specific like
> of IP addresses. Eg:
> etc, gathered from my system logs.
> What is the best way of doing this?

Team Cymru is offering a IP to ASN Whois service:


Fellow networkers,
Team Cymru is happy to announce the availability of a public whois
server dedicated to mapping IP numbers to ASNs, located at
whois.cymru.com.  You can find the link to this tool at:
This link has been added to our main BGP data page available at:
We have also extended the functionality of this daemon to support BULK
IP submissions for those who wish to further optimize their queries with
Following is a quick overview of how to use it:
$ whois -h whois.cymru.com <IP>
Where <IP> is replaced by the IP you'd like to map, like so:
$ whois -h whois.cymru.com
    ASN |               IP | Name
   3356 | | LEVEL3 Level 3 Communications
You can also include port information, and/or timestamps in your
queries.  Be sure to include quotes around your queries, or the daemon
will interpret your request as multiple lines:
$ whois -h whois.cymru.com " -0600 GMT"
    ASN |               IP |            Info | Name
   3356 | |       -0600 GMT | LEVEL3 Level 3
For instructions on how to submit BULK queries via netcat, simply issue
the following command:
$ whois -h whois.cymru.com help
We hope you find this tool useful.  Stay tuned for more features!  
If you have any comments or suggestions as to how we might improve this
service, feel free to let us know!
Steve, for Team Cymru 
Stephen Gill

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