On Fri, 10 Oct 2003 10:59:46 -0400
"Bob German" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> A colleague informed me this morning that Alan Ralsky is doing
> widespread bruteforce attacks on SMTP AUTH, and they are succeeding,
> mainly because it's quick, painless (for him), and servers and IDS
> signatures don't generally offer protection against them.
> Could this be why everyone's locking up their mail servers all of a
> sudden?
> Does anyone know of a way to stop them?

Sure drive to the address provided with a cluebat, ask for Alan.
6747 Minnow Pond Drive
West Bloomfield, MI

Despite all the spam coming from China, they've siezed Alan's equipment and shot (I 
can't find coverage on this one in the American or European press) at least two 
indigenous spammers (I always happily note on spam LART's to China that I'll pay for 
the bullet and shipping for the shell casing to my door if invoiced).

> Bob


Andrew D Kirch  |           [EMAIL PROTECTED]            | 
Security Admin  |  Summit Open Source Development Group  | www.sosdg.org

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