On Sun, Oct 12, 2003 at 10:33:18AM -0500, Bryan Heitman wrote:
> Would you perhaps have more underlying problems if a "script kiddie" on a
> dialup can attack you in such a way to impact your service?


I don't mean to be rude, but it sounds like you don't understand the way
the "script kiddies" operate. A dialup is more than sufficient.

Generally the attacker will have a number of compromised servers/home
PC's/workstations, etc, at their disposal.
Each has been infected with a particular type of trojan horse, which
allow the abuser to control the compromised machine.

The abuse can then instruct these tens, or hundreds, or thousands, or
now tens to hundreds of thousands of machines, to performa an attack
against a target.

Thus, the executor sits back on their dialup, which networks around the
world fight with each otehr to stay alive - the attacks for running out
of upstream bandwidth, and the victims for running out of downstream.

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