There are Foundry and Extreme related mailing lists
in the same location as a few other vendor lists.
        for all puck
lists, including other router/switch vendors.


        - jared

On Mon, Oct 13, 2003 at 08:01:50PM +0200, Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:
> On Mon, 13 Oct 2003, Pekka Savola wrote:
> > Just don't use extremes as routers, and you will be much, much happier. It
> > _might_ work in the dumbest, unicast-only setups, but I have a lot of
> > doubts about anything more complex than that.
> I think you're being too pessimistic. For instance, some of the largest
> LAN parties had Extreme boxen as core equipment (Dreamhack for instance,
> 4500 computers) and their ISP (where I work) had Extreme routers for a
> larger part of its national core/distribution network.
> We run BGP as well. It works for what we need it for. We use network 
> statements and talk BGP with customers.
> With EW7.1.0 they solved most of our issues, we're now going ISIS as well.
> As with all equipment, try everything you want to do and see if it does it 
> well. If you're doing a large network buildout you might save a LOT of 
> money buy bying intermediate stuff (like Extreme) instead of coing the 
> hard-core way (Juniper/GSR).
> Yes, GSRs are better at routing but they lack L2 capability and it's a 
> very expensive (and lousy unless you have Engine3 cards) GE plattform.
> -- 
> Mikael Abrahamsson    email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jared Mauch  | pgp key available via finger from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
clue++;      |  My statements are only mine.

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