On Sat, 2003-10-11 at 10:30, Bill Manning wrote:
>       bing!  the 3ffe:: entries are for experimental services -only-
>       while the 2001:: will eventually be production services.
>       and the test are -not- primarly about connectivity.

Last time I checked on this 3ffe:: was not "tagged" as for "experimental
services only". I have asked this to people working with IPv6 and
haven't received any reply  confirming it, only replies staying that it
hasn't been decided.

Is it now? Please let me know.

(I will hate to do a deployment of 3ffe:: and 2001:: networks and then
after some time tell the users sorry we are not routing 3ffe:: anymore
since it was experimental only.  I prefer telling them from the very
first time.)

William Caban <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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