Recognizing that I am not an 'expert', I have got to ask just one
question.  Can these people at Verisign really think that they know
better than all of the real experts that have worked with/on the DNS
over the years.  It seems rather silly to assume that a few people have
more knowledge than the collective community.  Furthermore, I feel that
Ray makes an excellent point in that the concensus seems to be that we,
as the Internet community, do _NOT_ want this type of tinkering with
something that works very well; especially since the purpose is to
increase advertising revenue.  Verisign is clearly acting against the
concensus.  What effective action can we take as a collective group to
get the point across that we will not tollerate this type of behavior?


-----Original Message-----
Ray Bellis
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 8:08
To: nanog list
Subject: Site Finder

Quoting Rusty Lewis from

"We will continue to take feedback from both Internet users and the
technical community on how we can ensure that the service is available
for the many Internet users who clearly like it."

Well that's very simple Rusty - stop screwing around with *our* DNS and
write a plugin for IE to catch NXDOMAIN, just like the Google toolbar

That'll allow 90% of the browsing population a *choice*, something the
wildcard clearly does not.


Ray Bellis, MA(Oxon) - Technical Director
community internet plc - Ltd

Windsor House, 12 High Street, Kidlington, Oxford, OX5 2PJ
tel:  +44 1865 856000   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
fax:  +44 1865 856001     web:

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