On Thu, 16 Oct 2003, Scott Bradner wrote:

> > Dan and Owen, I nominate you two for the tomato acquisition and
> > distribution committee.
> lets not
> tomatoes != knowledge (nor are an indicator of same)

Nope, they're an indicator of distaste and disrespect.

I don't think anybody wants to convey knowledge to Verisign, I think they
want to convery utter contempt.

But, done politely, without the traditional throwing part.

I actually think it's a great idea, because then the group can express
their displeasure without having to berate the messengers. Just a big
message that says "you're a company run by douchebags", without anybody
having to make an ass of themselves.

You have to give Verisign some props for having the balls to present at
NANOG...and those props should be in the form of not chasing them from the
room with angry threats and pitchforks.


Andy Dills
Xecunet, Inc.

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