At 12:00 PM 10/16/2003, Owen DeLong wrote:
Agreed.  I plan to wear a red shirt and bring a tomatoe.  The tomato will
sit quietly on the table near me.  It will not be used as a projectile
no matter how much Verisign tries to convince me it should.  Really.
I will not throw the tomato at Verisign no matter how much they deserve it.

Wayne is right.  For this to have the desired effect, we need to make it
a peaceful and symbolic protest, not a brawl.


I would also suggest that we try to make contact with a second-harvest or
other organization that may be able to use the tomatoes afterwards.

Great idea! Can we count on Dan for tomato acquisition and for Owen for post-protest dispersal to a foodbank?


(I so wish I could be there!)


JC Dill
370 Altair #353
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
AIM: UltraJCDill
Y!IM: jcdill

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