At 03:30 PM 10/16/2003, Rodney Joffe wrote:

Bruce Campbell wrote:

[much snipped]

> Also, did the query that I'm debugging really go to the same host that I
> just got the real IP address from?

I believe I covered that in my initial response to Randy which you
snipped. I said:

"> Dan Senie has suggest the inclusion of a TXT record with the same
> so that the actual ip address of the actual server that responded to the
> query that had a problem was available. Certainly more standardized and
> elegant, but a subject for the WG mailing lists."

The RFCs governing dns do not currently allow for the standard return of
any record type in a dns answer that would indicate the ip address of
the server being queried. So this valid issue should be addressed, of
course through the appropriate process.

I am working on an I-D submission on this topic. One of the advantages of the mechanism I'm writing about is that it'd be applicable to both anycast environments AND to load balancer environments. I don't know if I'll make the I-D cutoff or not. If not, it'll get submitted as soon as the gates reopen.

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