On Tue, 21 Oct 2003, Sean Donelan wrote:

> How much notice is adequate when changing widely used behavior on the
> Internet?

Widely deployed Filters, including uRPF, would probably qualify as this

> When the ARPANET changed from NCP to TCP/IP how many days advance notice
> was needed?
> When the Internet changed from IPv4 to IPv6 how many days advance notice
> was needed?

I'm going to show some (alot?) ignorance here... BUT: won't the network
go: pure-v4 -> v4+v6 -> v6 (probably with v4 tunnels) -> pure-v6

I don't think its just going to go: POOF! one night, nor in one year...
Judging by how long it takes people to upgrade a simple major application
or OS it'll take YEARS to upgrade entirely to pure-v6.

of course, I could be completely wrong.

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