On Sun, 26 Oct 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> A few things that make sense to me (as a non-ISP network consultant)
> include:
> 1) Summarily fencing/sandboxing/disconnecting clients sending high volumes
> of spam, virii, etc.  You might politely contact your commercial/static
> clients first, but anyone connecting a "bare" PC on a broadband circuit is
> too stupid to deserve coddling.  The great majority of your clients would
> thank you profusely.

An article appeared today on The Register, talking about people connecting
"bare" machines to the net. It discusses the level of clue posessed by the
"typical American computer user" and is quite a sobering read. From the 

"I'm here to tell the security pros reading this that we are in deeeeeep 
trouble when it comes to securing the computers of these people. 

"Security is just not a concept that "normal" folks focus on. It's not
even on the radar screen. It's just not thought about at all."

Online at



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