On Thu, 6 Nov 2003, Eric Kuhnke wrote:

> I am interested in hearing peoples' experiences in obtaining maps of
> pre-existing underground utilities from city governments (as it relates to
> deployment of MAN fiber).  Thus far the process I am going through can be
> compared to pulling teeth.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated...

It really depends on what data they have, and that varies heavily from
city to city.  Older cities may not have good maps.  On the other hand,
where the utilities have been rebuilt recently, or for new subdivisions,
data is usually available in GIS format.

Then there's always the problem of getting data out of the private
utilities - most recent cable franchises require that as-built data be
provided as GIS or CAD files, but the MSOs don't always follow through.
Telcos are usually not required to provide data to local governments.

Good places to start are the Planning Director and City Engineer.  If your
activities have an economic development componenent, talk to the Economic
Development Director.

I do a lot of consulting to local governments, specifically on telecom
issues - so if you send me a few more details of what you're trying to
accomplish, I might be able to make some more specific suggestions.

Miles Fidelman

The Center for Civic Networking             PO Box 600618
Miles R. Fidelman, President &              Newtonville, MA 02460-0006
Director, Municipal Telecommunications
Strategies Program                          617-558-3698 fax: 617-630-8946
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                           http://civic.net/ccn.html

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