Hey folks, can you please stop the CC'ing of people
that have responded to this thread. Just reply to NANOG.

On Mon, Nov 10, 2003 at 11:36:50AM -0500, joshua sahala wrote:
> "Peter Galbavy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > A willingness, nay - a NEED, to learn and be open to new concepts is
> > what forward moving technology sectors (like ours I hope) need.
> definately - however, i know of some very smart people, with a huge 
> drive to learn, were relegated to clueless tasks because they didn't have
> many many years of experience.  there is a distrubing trend amongst
> managers/etc where they think that if you haven't already done the job
> for several years, you can't learn to do it, or don't have the skill to
> do it.  i am not saying that this is universal (as demonstrated by
> several posts here to that effect), but i think that these are exceptions
> > Acronyms mean sh*t. When involved in any hiring process, I actively
> > avoid CCIE/MSCE/etc. laden resumes. Mentioning once, fine. Using them
> > like religious phrases is an indictation of, well, stupidity.
> certifications are often necessary to open the door - granted if you
> were architecting internetworks when many of today's certified 
> 'engineers' were still in grade school, then no, certifications are 
> probably not needed.
> experience is a catch-22, you need experience to get a job, but you need
> a job to get experience.  i am not saying that certifications are a 
> panacea, but lacking the ability to say that i built $major_isp, my certs
> have helped me (a little) in getting past the recruiter/hr to where my
> technical skills can be demonstrated
> > > i'm recruiter-proof. i'm not sure i'd want anyone who wasn't.
> > 
> > Aye. I have *never* used my CV/Resume in getting a job. I still have
> > one, but it's very out of date.
> never is a long time
> perhaps it is just the fact that i am 'new' to the field, but my resume
> has gotten me all but one job, and my resume indirectly got me that one.
> my slightly bitter $0.02
> /joshua
> > Peter
> > 
> > 
> "Walk with me through the Universe,
>  And along the way see how all of us are Connected.
>  Feast the eyes of your Soul,
>  On the Love that abounds.
>  In all places at once, seemingly endless,
>  Like your own existence."
>      - Stephen Hawking -

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