Yea, I got one in my little server room in the office.  Building gave me
the choice of getting one of those when I moved in, or throwing a full
blown water chiller based system in the AC room, I took the cheaper
path.  Works OK, wish I had gotten one model bigger than what I have (the


On Wed, Nov 12, 2003 at 10:43:20AM -0500, Fisher, Shawn wrote:
> I searched the archives and couldn't find anything about a portable cooling
> units so am resorting to posting, sorry if its redundant.
> I am setting up a development lab and need additional cooling on a temporary
> basis.  I recall a product called, "move n kool"?  It looked like the robot
> on lost in space.  They used to advertise in Boardwatch when Boardwatch was
> cool.  (when Jack was running it)  Not sure of the spelling, but wondered if
> anyone has had experience that or anything like it.
> Shawn

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