It takes a good combination of both ISP and end user to fight spam, I have a tool
in this editor for reading msg that allows me to tag a spammer and block the '
[EMAIL PROTECTED] that gets by the isp scan tool.
Common sense, in these times shows you to not open emails from strangers
especially with *.zip files unless they are coming from a known party based on
some kind of dialog prior to it being sent and received.

Priyantha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> At 09:53 PM 03/12/2003, Jamie Reid wrote:
> The other thing that worries me is that those who rely on
> their ISP to scan
> for viruses, a false sense of security can come into play.
> In the case of
> these types of email viruses, the user might think the file
> is OK because
> it was scanned.

The AVScanner should indicate that the file couldn't scan because it is
password protected and hence opening the file may be risky.


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