[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes on 12/8/2003 5:16 AM:

Anyone for a joint NANOG/CAUCE meeting? http://www.cauce.org

Over at APRICOT, CAUCE Asia Pacific (apcauce) is holding an antispam tutorial and conference track, which will also double as an apcauce meeting.

APCAUCE (http://www.apcauce.org) holds tutorials / meetings twice a year, at apricot (Feb) and apan (August) events.

In fact, given the past experience with two joint ARIN/NANOG meetings
could the best way forward be to have more joint meetings that
combine a NANOG meeting with some other non-BGP/routing operational
forum? Perhaps something jointly with a security organization
like CIS? http://www.cisecurity.org/

That, too, would be a good idea. Once some people realize that routers / bgp issues are not the only operational content in existence.

srs (postmaster|suresh)@outblaze.com // gpg : EDEDEFB9
manager, outblaze.com security and antispam operations

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