Drew Linsalata writes on 12/11/2003 10:03 AM:

If anyone has real contact info for these folks, or anyone from NeuLevel is listening, please drop me a note off-list. A cracker/spammer has decided to list one of our customer servers as a secondary nameserver for a bunch of spam domains and we're getting hammered with spam complaints that really have nothing to with us.

For now - I'd suggest that you make that server authoritative for all the spammer domains pointing at it, and set their MX and A records to with a really long TTL (like a year or two). And set up a website on that host saying "this is a forgery, it is not us"


srs (postmaster|suresh)@outblaze.com // gpg : EDEDEFB9
manager, outblaze.com security and antispam operations

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