On Mon, Dec 22, 2003 at 11:27:01AM -0800, Scott Granados wrote:
> Apparently there was just a 6.4 quake in central california.
> We felt it here in San Jose but its probably to minor up here to cause any 
> disruptions.  However closer to the center there may be.

We felt it pretty good here in San Luis Obispo. Listening to
local public service radio reports it sounds like mostly
chimneys and minor gas leaks and structure damage to older
buildings. An air conditioning unit on the roof of the Bank of
America downtown was smoking just a few minutes ago and was
handled by city FD with no problems.

Damage to the north of us in Paso Robles is the real deal,
collapsed buildings and all, fatalities according to CNN. This
is probably what you're seeing on news reports.

Here in San Luis Obispo cell phones became immediately useless,
presumably due to high call volumes. We (AS 12273) had no
wireline telco outages at all, and our colo provider (AS 14589
across town also in San Luis Obispo) went unscathed as well.
Power was unstable for a few minutes but only very small parts
of the city lost power for more than a few minutes, nothing the
UPSes couldn't handle.

-Will  :: AD6XL
 Orton :: http://www.loopfree.net/

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