On Wed, 7 Jan 2004, Michel Py wrote:

> not trying to defend the 7500 platform, it's obsolete all right.
> However, free is music to my ears.

What about longer term maintenance issues? Is the 7500 not scheduled for
EOL from Cisco 'soon' ? So, purchasing 7500 bits that might be dropped by
'normal' Cisco support in 1 year versus purchasing some other hardware
that will be in support longer might pay out in the longer term?

        Well technically buying a used 7500 doesn't entitle you to run IOS
on it, so you need to re-license the Ebay Special and that usually costs
close to what a new 7500 would cost. Anyway, on to the reason for my post.
I've heard conflicting reports, is a 7206 faster at packet switching than a

        Some people tell me it is a better router, some people tell me it



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