Frank Louwers wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 07, 2004 at 11:34:46PM +0000, Maarten Van Horenbeeck wrote:
> > Hi Frank,
> Dag Maarten,
> > > stuid question, but isn't 2004010101 (today) > 1076370400 (9 Feb 2004)?
> >
> > This doesn't apply here.  It is perfectly possible to decrease the value
> > of your serial number without any consequences for the DNS slave/master
> > zone transfers, if you adhere to the procedures put forward in RFC 1912
> > (section 3.1).  The fact that the newly introduced serial is lower will
> > thus not have any consequences from this perspective.
> Yes, but we all know there are quite some non-compliant dns-servers out
> there. Do they want to break the largest zone for a few days for all
> non-compliant servers?
> Oh, wait, right, they don't care if they break stuff...

Since I am currently unemployed I guess it is only as they say of
academic interest to me, but I don't see why it doesn't break it, and
for functionally all of time.

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