Chris Brenton wrote:

On Thu, 2004-01-15 at 17:11, Eric Kuhnke wrote:

And if he fails, what with the fact that sending all Internet traffic in the whole country through a single chokepoint obviously creates a single point of failure, all Net traffic in Saudi Arabia stops.

Not sure if its still the same setup, but up till 2 years ago this
consisted of 6 HTTP proxies sitting on the same class C. Best part was
they were _open_ proxies, so it was not uncommon to have a .net or .uk
attacker bounce through them on the way to attacking your site.

Not open anymore (took some persuading with SORBS, but they got closed - doubt it was just SORBS, but I know he complained many times because they were running a lot of mail through the same subnet as well)

/ Mat

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