Yep, that describes the old GRF400/800 to a T.  It was gated.

On Thu, 15 Jan 2004, Nicole wrote:
>  I used to work with an Ascend GRF (goes real fast) Router that was nothing
> more than a hacked BSD os running on a hard drive at first then they
> moved to a flash card that controlled some custom switching hardware.
> But all the functions were via the BSD os and I think it just used
> Gated.
>  Sounds very similiar.
>   Nicole
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>                     //      \\                 
>  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  Powered by FreeBSD  -
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>  " Daemons" will now be known as "spiritual guides"
> -Politically Correct UNIX Page
> "Witchcraft is in essence the worship of the powers of this world,
>  beautiful and terrible, but all in a circle under the turning sky
>  that is the One."     -C.A. Burland, "Echoes of Magic"
> "Connecting with energy is something humans have to be open
>  to and talking about and expecting,  otherwise the whole human
>  race can go back to pretending that life is about power over others
>  and exploiting the planet.  If we go back to doing this,
>  then we won't survive."      -James Redfield, "The Celestine Prophecy"

Marius Strom           | Always carry a short length of fibre-optic cable.
Professional Geek      | If you get lost, then you can drop it on the
System/Network Admin   | ground, wait 10 minutes, and ask the backhoe | operator how to get back to civilization.
                       \-------------| Mike Andrews |-------------------->

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