On Wed, 28 Jan 2004, Coppola, Brian wrote:
> In preparation for tomorrow morning's B-root IP change from to
> we have posted updated root hints files.  They are available
> from the following URLs:

The previous change to the root hints was November 5 2002.  The previous
change was five years before that.  The root hints changes do not
require any immediate changes by most Internet users.  As long as at least
one of the IP addresses in your root.zone hints file responds, your name
server will automatically use the current set of root name servers.
Historically it has taken over 10 years to change all the IP addresses in
the root hints file.  Past performance is not a guarantee of future
performance, but it is likely the root hints will continue to be very
stable and change slowly.

Client resolvers (i.e most Windows and other end-user machines) use
either their ISP or organizations name servers.  Most end-users do not
need to make any changes.  ISP or organization system administrators
will update the main name servers for their users.

Software developers and operating system vendors distributing Name Server
programs will need to update the hints file included in their software
distribution sometime before the last IP address in the hints file

Operators of resolving name servers will need to update the hints file
on their systems, or it may be updated as part of the future vendor
software update, sometime before the last IP address changes.  Until
the hints file is updated, some versions of Domain Name System software
will print periodic warnings in the system log to remind the system
administrator to check the hints file.

Operators of "shadow" or alternative roots will need to update their
configurations.  Since this is more or less outside the DNS, it is up to
those operators to ensure consistent operation.

Network operators using "golden networks" to control route flap dampening
will need to update their BGP dampening configuration for the new address
and to remove the old address.  Until updated, dampening may incorrectly
ignore routes to the new address during periods of network instability.
In practice, this is a rare occurance and the other root servers will
still be configured.

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