On Wed, Jan 28, 2004 at 07:37:09PM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
> Scott Francis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I've been wondering lately, after about 10 years of email worms spreading in
> > exactly the same manner with every incarnation ... why do you think people
> > haven't learned not to open unexpected attachments yet?
> Blaming it on end users is one way to look at the problem, but not
> a way that will result in a solution.
> You should be wondering, after 10+ years of virus laden MS operating
> systems, why they haven't fixed this stuff.  Similar vulnerabilities
> in Unix, Mac, and other OS were fixed long ago.

this is actually what I was driving at, but I've had so MANY anti-MS rants
over the last few years, I thought I'd take a different tack. :)

> > (Note: I really do not want this to degenerate into another rant against
> > vendor M;
> Sorry for not sharing your disinterest in the actual reasons we
> continue to see these viruses and trojans infecting MS and, for all
> intents and purposes, only MS operating systems.

oh, I share your position, believe me! It just seems that efforts to force
MS to change have had little effect, and I was hoping that maybe if we
attacked the issue from another angle, it might be productive. :)
       Scott Francis | darkuncle(at)darkuncle(dot)net | 0x5537F527
"I gave you the chance of aiding me willingly, but you have elected the way
of pain!" -- Saruman, speaking for sysadmins everywhere

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