> -----Original Message-----
> From: Adi Linden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: February 7, 2004 12:54 AM
> To: Vivien M.
> Cc: 'Michel Py'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: Stopping open proxies and open relays
> > If stricter laws on computers forced even 50% of people to start 
> > caring a little more, wouldn't that be progress? The day a 
> couple of 
> > grandmothers get taken away in handcuffs because a script 
> kiddie took 
> > up residence in her computer is the day a few people will 
> wake up to 
> > the fact that computers need regular maintenance...
> The the script kiddie gets taken away in handcuffs and lined 
> up for the 
> electric chair is when we see progress. I think you're confusing the 
> criminal and the victim!

I have no objection to the electric chair for script kiddies, but tracing
them seems to be somewhat challenging sometimes. Identifying people who
don't maintain their computers is usually easier :)

And no, I'm not confusing the criminal and the victim. If you leave a loaded
handgun on your front porch and I come along and take it, then shoot your
neighbour's kid with it, then I would expect both you and I to be prosecuted
(though not for the same crime, of course).

Vivien M.
Assistant System Administrator
Dynamic Network Services, Inc.

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