### On Mon, 23 Feb 2004 18:11:51 -0500, Chris Ranch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
### casually decided to expound upon "'[EMAIL PROTECTED]'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
### the following thoughts about "RE: Genu/L3 Major Outage":

CR> Gotta love email latencies, where the gasp for help is heard after the
CR> problem goes away.

I think it would be interesting to hear how well or not well INOC-DBA worked
out in this situation.  Could someone give a short report?

/*===================[ Jake Khuon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ]======================+
 | Packet Plumber, Network Engineers     /| / [~ [~ |) | | --------------- |
 | for Effective Bandwidth Utilisation  / |/  [_ [_ |) |_| N E T W O R K S |

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