--- "Laurence F. Sheldon, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> ..."hijacking of every non-existent domain name in
> existence."
> ..."non-existent ... in existence."
> Several people have said things like that in recent
> times.  Including
> me, I'll bet.
> What exactly does it mean?
> (Yes, I know.  We are talking about the fact that
> strings submitted for
> lookup that have not been registered as names would
> not be cause an
> error to be returned.  And that is clearly a lot
> more words, if not a
> clearer description of the problem.  We need a
> wordsmith to give us a
> short string that can be converted into a useful
> TLA.)

How about this:

"Sitefinder gives Verisign revenue from every
non-existent, well-formed domain name."

-David Barak
-Fully RFC 1925 Compliant-

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