Consumers are not interested in certificates, they want solutions that are
packaged. Front end services when people sign up for accounts should include
all the tools necessary for survive on any network you provider access to.

"Patrick W.Gilmore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Mar 1, 2004, at 12:59 PM, Christopher Aldridge wrote:

>> Please do not take this the wrong way, but I thought it was useful
>> input. Perhaps not to you, but maybe to those who think that getting
>> their MCSA will teach them all they need to know.

> One who thinks these exam topics cover (as you say" "all they need to
> know", should really investigate this certification.

So we are in agreement.

>> Some of the things you asked were extremely basic.
> What "things" were these?

I guess I just consider things like "ethernet adaptors" and "ethernet
converters" basic. Basic can be good. But it's still basic.

Also, I probably attributed some of the replies to your original post
in my memory. Or maybe I just misremembered your post completely. I
hope you can accept my apology and end the flame war.

In my defense, I did say that you should not take this personally.

>> So I would not take this as an attack on you personally - lots of
>> people answered took the time to answer your questions, asking not
>> even
>> a favor in return as payment.
> The people who responded helpfully to my post, will receive any help
> and
> assistance in the future from me as a fellow nanog'er; without the
> POINTLESS sarcasm and flaming.

Got it. 'Cause the post to which I am responding is very pointFULL.

And if you are implying that I will not be getting help and assistance
from you (or at least not without sarcasm), well, somehow I'm just not
too worried.

>> I would take it as a note to people with
>> certifications or going for certifications that a cert != clue.
> I agree here 100%. However you have also made it very clear that
> no_cert
> != clue.

Really? Glad we cleared that up, 'cause lots of people were probably
assuming that if you have no certification you were automatically
clued.... :)

Unless, of course, you are implying I have no certifications. Which
would be a bad assumption. I have gotten several certifications over
the years, some of which I actually think are useful. I just do not
have any of the ones you listed.

Of course, then you would also be impling I have no clue. Many people
might agree with you, but since the first part (no_cert) failed, then
the second part is irrelevant.

>> (Did any of those certs have
>> labs, or just multiple-guess tests?)
> Google is your friend.
> learning_certificati
> on_type_home.html

Thanx, but not worth the effort. I'm never going to get a CCNA
(definitely) or an MCSA (probably). Was just curious and didn't want
to wade through multiple web pages. A couple people told me off-list
and I was happy.

Thanx for the tip, though. I'll have to remember that "google"
thing.... :)


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