** Reply to message from JC Dill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Fri, 05 Mar
2004 00:11:48 -0800

> At 07:39 PM 3/4/2004, Curtis Maurand wrote:
> >Too many steps.
> Once it's installed and configured, this one is drag and drop:
> <http://www.hilgraeve.com/dropchute/>
> They also have a solution for dynamic addressing:
> <http://www.hilgraeve.com/KB/KnowledgeBase/index_html?topic=DropChute&article=30002>
> >DropChute can work with and connect to dynamic IP addresses through the 
> >use of the address server. ldap.dropchute.com. With the address server 
> >available to you, you can wait for calls on the Internet using a dynamic 
> >IP address assigned by your Internet service provider. Your DropChute will 
> >post the address on the address server so others can connect to you.
> jc

Looks like IM with an accent on file transfer instead of chatting - if
I'm not mistaken it requires both computers to be on at the same time?
Please don't forget all those dialup users out there - they still
outnumber the DSL's and cablemodems of the world. This needs to be
store-n-forward in some way.

Jeff Shultz
Loose nut behind the wheel. 

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