> Terranson, Alif wrote:
> >As long as we're doing "Me Too"...
> >
> >Savvis has had prefix:666 for around 18 months as well.
> >  
> >
> Do you know if C&W does? Or will that wait until the integration?

While I am not 100% certain (and there are plenty of "new-Savvis" folks here who *do* 
know for sure ;-), I believe the CW network does support a BH tag.

> This thread has caused me to add this as a requirement for a 
> new gigabit  ISP circuit I am ordering, as well as uRPF in the core, 

Woah!  Never said *anything* about that!  No plans for it that I am aware of.  No 
reason I can think of to do this either.

> etc.
> I've had two ISPs say "We don't do this yet, but based on the 
> fact you are making it a requirement, we will role those functions out 
> into our core."

This is really not "new", and considering how easy it is to implement, I'm surprised 
it isn't *much* more widely implemented.

> Steve
> Voting with his money for better net-security....

Go Steve!  Go!!

Alif Terranson
OpSec Engineering Mgr.
Operations Security Dept.
Savvis Communications Corp.
(314) 628-7602 Voice
(618) 558-5854 Cell
(314) 628-7710 Fax

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