On Fri, Mar 05, 2004 at 10:02:10AM -0800, Yakov Rekhter wrote:
>> Dave,
>> > Hey Suki,
>> > 
>> > On Thu, Mar 04, 2004 at 02:14:20PM -0800, sonet twister wrote:
>> > >> Hello, 
>> > >>  
>> > >> i heard there is a way to run MPLS for layer3 VPN(2547)
>> > >> service without needing to run label switching in the
>> > >> core(LDP/TDP/RSVP) but straight IP (aka iMPLS). 
>> > 
>> >    ftp://ftp.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-townsley-l2tpv3-mpls-01.txt
>> > 
>> >    See also Mark's talk from the last NANOG
>> > 
>> >    http://nanog.org/mtg-0402/townsley.html
>> That requires to run L2TP. An alternative is to run GRE (or even plain
>> IP). The latter (GRE) is implemented by quite a few vendors (and is
>> known to be interoperable among multiple vendors).
>> The spec is draft-ietf-l3vpn-gre-ip-2547-01.txt.

Yep, you are correct. Sorry not to cite that one too.


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