This is the future of e-mail, if something better at spam suppression
doesn't come along.

Pace en requiat email

Please! Spare us the fractured Latin.

Mea maxima culpa.

Requiescat in pace - May he/it rest in peace.

Thank you. I don't speak Latin (he says redundantly) but was trying in inject my point with good humor.

Requiescat - 3rd person singular subjunctive of "requiescere"

I sort of knew that and tried to verify it by "Googling" and was persuaded that I was wrong. That is annoying, because I am pretty sure I know that your phrase os the original decode of "R.I.P.".

in - same as English preposition "in"

The preceding not withstanding, I would not have guessed that they were the same.

pace - ablative singular of "pax" indicating that in refers to position
rather than movement.

Personally I think you should have said

Requiescas in pace o email

which means "Oh email, may you rest in peace"

I do too.  Wish I had known enough to have done so--makes my
original point well.

[We now terminate the off-topic thread and return you to the real Operational issues of just how many "B"'s there are in "BGP".]

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