One aspect of the problem with DoS attacks and warlike responses to these attacks is that the younger generation is getting their computer science training via gaming and hacking. Many high schools in the U.S. are so financially strapped that they can't afford to teach programming, networking, etc., and if they can, the teachers are often also the shop teacher or the journalism teacher who happened to "be good with computers" but is actually rather clueless about real computer science issues and the computer industry. Tekkie high school students aren't being challenged. They are learning their computing skills without mentors. We can help with that aspect of the problem.

Get involved with your local high schools. Sponsor user groups at the high school. Offer to teach some mini courses.

The teenage crowd needs our help learning best practices and ethics.

The hacking problem is multi-faceted, of course, and this is just one facet of a partial solution, but still, do consider it. Thanks for listening. :-)

Priscilla Oppenheimer

At 04:48 PM 3/11/04, Pendergrass, Greg wrote:

By "The Art of War on the Internet" I didn't mean information warfare,
that's been with us as long as there's been information and the internet is
certainly going to be a major part of that. What I am against is anyone
trying to popularize the idea of the internet as a battleground where one
uses force and deception to "gain ground". It's just another case of people
wrongly attempting to fit somthing that they don't understand into a
framework that they do understand, thereby creating a fallacy. Trying to
base a product off of a flawed idea is bound to fail but also likely be a
major irritation before it does.


-----Original Message----- From: Etaoin Shrdlu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 11 March 2004 14:58 To: Nanog Subject: Re: Counter DoS

"Pendergrass, Greg" wrote:
> I can see now that it's only a matter of time before some nut writes "The
> Art of War in the Internet". I read the whitepaper, it goes on a lot about
> how defensive policies are ineffective but doesn't really say why active
> response has never been tried:

Ask, and ye shall receive.

I thought that someone mentioned that Mr. Forno was reputed to be on staff
with these folk.

> Their proposition is a terrible idea and their "rules of engagement" would
> be funny instead of frightening if it wasn't serious

I note that he also has a title from last year, which seems applicable

Weapons of Mass Delusion (ISBN 158961111X)

I will point out that I cannot take seriously a company (Symbiot) that
depends on a shockwave plugin to put up a web page.

Pity that they came out so aggressively; it might have been an interesting
product. Hype can kill as well as sell.

It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.
It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed,
the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning.
It is by caffeine only I set my mind in motion.

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Priscilla Oppenheimer

When your Daemon is in charge, do not try to think consciously. Drift, wait, and obey. -- Kipling.

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