
I also just want to make clear that there is nothing personal going on
neither from my side.

BTW, I tried to answer this directly to you, but as you block the whole
200/8, it was not possible.
Interestingly, this could be your your first "ham" message from LACNIC
region. Not this time... :(

I sent my message to the list just to make it clear that not everyone
in LACNIC region is spammer.

The way you said the following:

| Behind all of LACNIC's 200/8 and Iskimaro, whoever the heck they are!

sounded that you had no idea what LACNIC is, and don't even care. 
To you it is just a bunch of spammer.

Other might had the wrong impression that really doesn't matter
what LACNIC is, and start to block the 200/8 because someone does so.

Just my thoughts,


On Fri, Mar 12, 2004 at 10:03:31AM -0800, just me wrote:
| On Fri, 12 Mar 2004, Ricardo G Patara wrote:
|   On Thu, Mar 11, 2004 at 10:59:01PM -0800, just me wrote:
|   |
|   | Behind all of LACNIC's 200/8 and Iskimaro, whoever the heck they are!
|   I'd say that it is not a wise thing to do, but it is up to you.
|   Inside this /8 block there are a lot allocation to important networks
|   in our region.
|   There is also, users that send spam from these IPs, but I see this all
|   the time from IP blocks of all over the world.
| It is an effective solution in my specific application, with my set of
| users. I have a 100% hit rate with no false positives. I am not
| suggesting other folks do the same unless their requirements are also
| the same. I certainly wouldn't do this at my day job as
| [EMAIL PROTECTED], for example.
|   According to some statistics USA is one of the top in the list of
|   spammers.
|   Do you filter all American blocks in your network? I guess not. You
|   wisely filter only some, like this
| I filter the blocks that I see a 1:0 spam to ham ratio from, wherever
| they are located. I also try to aggregate where I can. The LACNIC
| blocks were a convenient place to do so.
|   Do you filter all Asia blocks? I guess not...
| I certainly do filter abuseive asian networks, except for networks
| that my users need connectivity to, or networks that I have not seen
| abuse from:
| http://mrtg.snark.net/blacklist.cgi
| I think you'll see that there's no region singled out there. You might
| also be forgetting that the reason I singled out the LACNIC blocks, is
| that they are the third largest source of unwanted SMTP traffic I see.
| I'm sorry if my actions have offended you, because there really is
| nothing personal going on here, just pragmatism and a desire to
| prevent as much spam as possible from reaching my users.
| Matt Ghali
| speaking as [EMAIL PROTECTED] only
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]<darwin><
|    Flowers on the razor wire/I know you're here/We are few/And far
|    between/I was thinking about her skin/Love is a many splintered
|    thing/Don't be afraid now/Just walk on in. #include <disclaim.h>

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