On Thu, 11 Mar 2004 00:06:10 -0600
"Matthew S. Hallacy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 11, 2004 at 12:34:29AM -0500, Brian Bruns wrote:
> > 
> > Hello all,
> > 
> > If a cox.net mail admin, or someone who knows a cox.net mail admin
> > could contact me offlist about them blocking 2mbit.com in their mail
> > servers, that would be great.  I've tried contacting their
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] with UNBLOCK in the subject, but it just bounces
> > the mail back at me with the same error as if I was trying to
> > contact one of their users.   Sooo, you kinda see the issue.
> Get used to it, a lot of mail servers are rejecting mail that comes
> from DSL and Cable modem lines, you're hosting 2mbit.com on roadrunner
> (despite calling it an 'RF T1' (??)) and thus, it will be blocked.
> > Open Solutions For A Closed World / Anti-Spam Resources
> > http://www.sosdg.org
> > 
> > The Abusive Hosts Blocking List
> > http://www.ahbl.org
> The irony..
> -- 
> Matthew S. Hallacy                            FUBAR, LART, BOFH
> Certified http://www.poptix.net                           GPG public
> key 0x01938203

lets look at your website mister hallacy.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# host www.poptix.net
www.poptix.net has address

hrm... 24/8... looks like a cablemodem to me, lets see
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# whois
[Querying whois.arin.net]
Cable Regina CABLER (NET-24-72-0-0-1)
Access Communications - Regina Customer Network CUST-REGINA-1
(NET-24-72-2-0-1)                         -

my my, we have a cablemodem.  And using it with no other claim
to any point in network administration, like say a blacklist which
blocks over 1 million spam e-mails per day, or the largest and most
complete RHSBL on the internet, or perhaps community/free web and
e-mail hosting for anti-spammers?  Mister Hallacy, do you in fact
provide anything back to the community from whom you've consumed so

But wait there's more!  lets find out about that server...
it's stats can be seen here:
I hope he isn't running his website off the lexar jumpdrive :)
which is the same ip as poptix.net
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# host www.techmonkeys.org
www.techmonkeys.org has address

But enough about technology, lets talk about poptix himself.  Mister
Hallacy or a kiddie associate, in response to my comment about #nanog
being script kiddies, contacted a script kiddie via phone to harass 
him while impersonating a member of my staff, with the intent of having
my network attacked. He has repeatedly harassed me via telephone, and
his prank calls during DoS attacks(perhaps he was responsible for them?)
are well documented on this list. 


Mister Hallacy is a felon, convicted of computer tampering in 2000.  He
is serving 5 years probation. 
http://3jane.ashpool.org/~poptix/MyStory.html  Look to the last section.
and the rest of his actions documented here and above. 

And in regards to your certifications... real certifications come from
Cisco and Novell, not a Cracker Jack box.

I firmly assert that Matthew Hallacy provides no signal to this list. 
He does nothing but Denial of Service attack and harass it's members. 
He impersonates members of the list to harass other members of this

I have sent Sue Harris 3 private e-mails in the last 48 hours, to which
I have gotten no respone.  I am now publically calling on Sue Harris to
remove Matthew and his gang of script kiddies from #nanog from this
list. Their behavior is deplorable. Their attitude is #damaging
to this list, and their antics off the list towards members of this list
are inexcusable and illegal.

For the last time, harassment and impersonation of the users of this
list, is not only ontopic, but the rapid knowledge and ability to deal
with this situation is integral to it's continued success.

Andrew D Kirch  |       Abusive Hosts Blocking List      | www.ahbl.org
Security Admin  |  Summit Open Source Development Group  | www.sosdg.org
Key At http://www.2mbit.com/~trelane/trelane.key
Key fingerprint = B4C2 8083 648B 37A2 4CCE  61D3 16D6 995D 026F 20CF

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